Inspiration/Religion (spiritual, church, religious, uplifting, & motivational 'casts)
The meanin' o' life, and all 'at.
SKEPTICALITY - Tackles the beasts of pseudo-science; the paranormal, supernatural, UFO/alien encounters, misunderstood history, astronomy, space, and overwrought legends - urban or otherwise. Somebody's got a lot of spare time.
read & feed: http://www.skepticality.com/
feed: http://media27b.libsyn.com/podcasts/skepticality/027_skepticality_jrskeptic.mp3
BAHAI COMMUNITY - Why is Bahai the second most widespread religion in the world? Perpetual nicetude, could be one answer. Low user fees could be the other.
read: http://www.bahaicommunity.org/
feed: feed://www.bahaicommunity.org/Podcast/xml/aab.xml
THE INFIDEL GUY SHOW - Philosophy, atheism, theology, paranormal, science and evolution and great guests. Enter at the risk of hearing another opinion. Oh my god! Not another's opinion! Damn. There, I said it.
read: http://www.infidelguy.com/
feed: http://www.infidelguy.com/faq-9-How+To+Listen.html#39